Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Natural Remedies and Cures To Get Rid Of Flatulence

It is true that flatulence is a very embarrassing situation but this is not the worst part of it. The problem is that it might initiate other health problems. But there is also a good part of the problem - flatulence can be permanently end efficiently cured with natural remedies.

Flatulence is the gas produced during the digestion. In fact it is produced by bacteria and symbiotic yeast from our gastrointestinal tract. These bacteria are very useful in our digestion because they have the role to break down the complex food in smaller pieces.

This process produces gas that is passed out in a flatus form through the rectum. The formation of a greater amount of gas leads to bloating and the stomach will be stretched by this gas causing uneasiness and nausea.

People often have the tendency to swallow much air while they are eating or merely as a habit. This air reaches in intestines and gets out as flatus. Flatulence is usually caused by intolerance to some foods, by some vegetables like cauliflower, beans, or cabbage.

Flatulence is also provoked by indigestion, constipation, irritable bowel symptom, and irregular bowel movement.

There are some common spices and herbs we usually use when we are cooking our meals. Using some of these natural ingredients everyone can get rid of flatulence. And because these natural ingredients are at handy, treating flatulence is a piece of cake.

A very beneficial treatment for flatulence consists in pepper, green cardamom, and dry ginger. Take equal quantities from these herbs and grind them to obtain a powder. Mix half a teaspoon of this powder with 50 ml water (a cup) and drink the solution before your meals. This treatment can be kept in a closed jar and taken when you confront with the flatulence problem.

Peppermint is used in many natural treatments. You can use peppermint oil or you can chew this herb leaves to get rid of this unpleasant condition. You can also mix peppermint oil and caraway oil to obtain the same effect.

Another good remedy is clove. Suck a little amount of clove after your meals and forget by flatulence. You obtain the same beneficial effect if you chew fennels seeds after your meals.

The consumption of raw or cooked ginger helps you to heal flatulence permanently.

Increasing the consumption of fruits you will manage to assure a correct digestion process and to keep the flatulence problem under control. Banana, figs, guava, or papaya are only a few fruits that can be regularly consumed to resolve this problem. Fruits in general have the property to improve the digestion and to smooth the bowel movement. Eating a few fruits daily will help you to maintain yourself healthy and, of course, to cure efficiently flatulence.

There is a tip that always helps you to avoid flatulence. Don't wait to be hungry- have small meals at every few hours. And don't swallow the food without chewing it very well. Even if you are in a hurry allow you 5 minutes to have your meal. These five minutes are essential for your health.

Read more about Natural Cure for Flatulence. Also know about High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatment.

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